Drama Detox
Strategies for Navigating Workplace Conflict
This is the workshop for the ones that are SO done with chronic workplace drama and are ready to learn how to get off the hamster wheel.
If you have already learned the active listening skills, have gotten through the different workplace personality tests, and consider yourself an active driver of your career, then this workshop is for YOU!
Conflict makes most people shut down. Understandably, we want to avoid it like the plague even though conflict is a normal part of working with other humans.
But what if you existed with the confidence that you can turn conflict into deeper trust and better communication? What if you could stop old drama from popping up time and time again?
It’s absolutely possible to take workplace drama and turn it into an opportunity to make people seen, heard, and accepted; all necessary components to dig it up from the roots so it doesn’t keep surfacing again.
This workshop will help you understand how to stay open and collaborative when disconnect happens. And most importantly, you will walk away with a solid understanding of how to repair (which is the most important skill when you work with other humans).
Join us June 17th from 12-3:30 PM for a delicious lunch (catered by Tandem Unycicle), lots of practices, and rich discussion.
Miss that drama, NOT this workshop!
June 17th, 2024
12-3:30 PM
Location TBD
Lunch provided
You will walk away:
with strategies to keep your nervous system regulated when conflict makes you shut down or so angry you’re at risk saying something you can’t take back.
having learned the exact sequence that will completely diffuse big emotions resulting from disconnect
knowing the secret to staying resilient in the face of stress so you can remain calm and collaborative